Who We Are

The African Immigrant Families Together (AFIFAT)’s mission is to welcome, serve, and empower refugees, immigrants and people across cultures and generations with opportunities to maximize their potential in the United States, linking people in need to critical resources to assist them in becoming integrated members of American society while assisting refugee families address many factors that affect their health, including conditions in the country of origin or refugee camp.
Without feeling healthy, it is difficult to work, to attend school, or to take care of a family. Physical and emotional wellness and access to healthcare are foundations for successful resettlement. reach their full potential. As a community-based organization, we empower children, youth, families and elders from around Texas to build new lives and become self- sufficient by providing culturally and linguistically specific social services.
AFIFAT vision is a future where all healthy African refugee and immigrant families are physically and emotionally ready to build economic independence through jobs and career while providing to those of them who want to start, run and grow a business gain technical skills necessary that will help them transition softly from government assistance and become economically self-sufficient.

“empowers immigrants and refugees from around Texas to build new lives”
The African Immigrant Families Together (AFIFAT ) welcomes, serves, and empowers refugees, immigrants and people across cultures and generations to reach their full potential. We strive in our programming, outreach, and education to foster understanding, compassion and communication between Texas’s established communities and newest arrivals.
Texas has one of the fastest growing refugee and immigrant populations in the country. Forced to leave their home countries for fear of persecution due to race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group, refugees and immigrants come to Dallas to begin new lives. AFIFAT focuses on removing barriers to self-sufficiency and helping individuals and families thrive, by providing culturally and linguistically specific social services, from employment, housing, Financial and business literacy and development, youth academic support and gang prevention.