The overall breakdown includes education on various social issues topics, identifying
individuals and families in need of assistance, gathering critical information, providing
appropriate and viable resources, conducting follow ups to ensure progress, and
providing crisis intervention as needed.
Education – AFIFAT educates Individuals and families about the challenges African
Immigrants are facing in the Western Culture, coupled with solutions and
recommendations to resolve the issue. We utilize social media platforms for education
posts, live presentation, and discussion geared toward awareness and informing the
community about various topics. Our Website also provides information and updates
about common challenges African Immigrants are facing.
Assessment – AFIFAT assesses different needs and problems in the African
Community, by gathering necessary information to provide appropriate linkages.
AFIFAT’s team can receive a referral from anyone, which can be provided by phone
and email. The administrative team will contact the victim to gather information. AFIFAT
protects the dignity of Individuals and assure that all information provided are kept
confidential and information will be shared with appropriate parties through a signed
consent form.
Referrals – AFIFAT connects and refers individuals and families to needed resources
included but not limited to mental health, couples counseling, support groups, Child
Protective Services, Substance Abuse, domestic Violence services and much more.
AFIFAT’s team will compile a list of qualitative resources to ensure proper services
geared toward progress and provided. The resources are listed below but are not
1- Bullying
- American Psychological Association
2- Mental Health
- Headspace: National Youth Mental Health Foundation
- Mental Health America
- National Alliance on Mental Illness
- National Institute of Mental Health
- Love is Louder
- Half of Us
- OK2Talk
- Tuck (Sleep and Trauma)
3- Sexual Assault - Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN):
4- Suicide
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
- American Association of Suicidology
- American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
- Suicide Prevention Resource Center
5- Eating Disorders
- National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA)
- National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders
(ANAD) - 6- Intimate Partner Violence
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Love is Respect
7- Non-Suicidal Self Injury / Self Harm
- Self-Injury Outreach and Support (SIOS)
- Adolescent Self Injury Foundation
- The Mix
- Cornell University College of Human Ecology
8- Substance Use
- National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
9- Youth / Teens
- Boys Town
- National Runaway Safe line
- The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
- Your Life Your Voice
10- Coping Skills
- Choose the Right Skill
- Coping with Anxiety and Worry
- Coping Skills for School
11- Parents and Family
- Maine Suicide Prevention Program
- Society for Prevention of Teen Suicide
- NAMI Resources for Parents and Caregivers
- Suicide is Different: Support for Friends and Family
Follow ups – AFIFAT conducts follow ups with individuals and families to ensure
appropriate services are provided and progress are made.
Crisis Intervention – AFIFAT serves as an emergency outlook to resolve crisis that
may require immediate intervention. AFIFAT’s team will provide an on-call number to be
reached for any crisis.